Dear reader,
(I say reader as, apart from a few views from a comment I left on http://www.strumpette.com I don't really have an audience yet, but I'm not too bovvered; 'face; bovvered?' - a Catherine tate jokette there)
Anyway, it's snowed now two days 'on the trot' and although it looks nice and winterwonderlandy. It also means snow shoveling for moi! We have a guy who snowblows - see the pic - and Mel does a great job but I am the one who has to tidy up and brush up after he's been - and it's bloody cold out there.
It gives me time to think about stuff though - somehow the cold air makes ones's thought a lot clearer. It's when I usually start to invent some contraption a'la 'Wallace and Grommit' or think up the way to make money from blogging! (Joke)
Today, though...... nothing, nada, not one intellectual thought or idea or invention - am I losing it? Maybe, or maybe it was too cold (-25c) and my invention brain waves only operate down to -10 or something like it.
(see I told you in the header I would ramble!)
The only thing today was good for: I got out the camera again and realised I'd not taken any photographs recently - so I'm going to use the snow/sun combo to take some pics and maybe share them here with my readership of three (and that includes my wife - who are you strange third reader???).
If anyone has been following the Strumpette Vs Thornley Fallis debacle; I thought I'd leave them to it bar ring this one comment....
Amanda Chapel posts a critisism she has of TF and their blogging policy (which I agreed with as you'd see if you read the post) of allowing anyone in the company to be the spokesperson (basically a junior guy called Chris Clarke then wrote a post that suggested that everyone at the company was meant to know what social media was and that he didn't and..... well you get the picture).
OK - so far it's one post on a PR insiders blog and a bit of fun/criticism etc. is had by all/a few; but no real harm done.... BUT... then Joe Thornley AND Chris Clarke decide that the 'strumpette' can not go unanswered and rather than going into 'damage control' mode - they both blog themselves into an ever deepening hole!
Now their clients, previously blissfully unaware of the fact that this has occurred, read this on the TF site and know all there is to know!! Frankly, if I were a client of TF I'd be asking if I really wanted all and sundry at the company blogging about the fact that no one knows what they are really doing; the point here is that if the PR company allows that sort of thing to occur why would I trust them with my communications strategy least of all my social media strategy!
Anyway - I'm sure Amanda and Joe will end up this weeks mini Trump/Rosie in the PR world....me? I'm off to shovel more white stuff.... I mean snow....just stop that line of thought now!
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