I didn't blog yesterday as I wasn't going to add to the already massive coverage of the iPhone from Apple..... but I can't not!
This piece of kit looks great and you can tell that the engineers and designers have gone that extra mile to come up with a sector slam dunk that will undoubtedly be 'the thing' to get in 2007 - I'm in Canada so I expect it to be on the Rogers network by June too - better start saving up my pennies. Hope it's available to upgrade to too.....
My only comment would be that I've tried to use similiar (I don't mean same - I mean along the same lines) devices before and I just didn't get on with them - the closest I got was the XDA that was quite popular in the UK around 5 years ago - they have since had various new models XDAII etc - Up left is what the second generation looked like...
Now I'm not saying this was the iPhone and that Apple are just copying - my point here is that on paper I should have loved this bit of kit - it had email, camera, phone, text, video, touch screen, internet - the usual stuff in a quite well designed case - basically all that the iPhone has but the iPhone prob has more and better interface etc. - but I had threee of them and although I tried I could never 'get on' with any of them and always sold them.
One of the main things was that I was still in 'putting the phone to my ear' mode and it just looked silly. I just wonder if the iPhone will make people use the BlueTooth ear pieces more than they used to....??
I'll probably get an iPhone just because it looks so damned cool and shiny, but I'm wondering if there is something else in this mix over and abopve my past experiences that will make me keep this rather than sell it when i can't get on with it.
My current set up is nice - I use a Nokia 8800 as my phone - small, neat, good weight, nice slide - it has a crap camera but i hardly use my phone as a vid or cam. My mp3 is a Chinese Netac - which is ok - but not probably the best in the world and I use an Olympus 7mp camera.
I don't have problems taking these with me anywhere so maybe i'm not the best person to be targetted for the convergence phone...
One thing I missed on the iPhone specs was the MegaPixel rate of the camera.... better go check that out.
All my feeds are going iPhone crazy I must have seen a thousand pics of it already.

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