I used to hate meatloaf until i decided to try a recipe I found in the recipe booklet that came with a juicer. I tinkered with it a bit and made a great meatloaf that even meatloaf haters (apart from veggies) will love. Serve with mash and a veg and Robert is your brothers brother.
This recipe fits a metal meatloaf tin approx 10" long so adjust the ingredients accordingly to fit your tin - you want to leave 1 cm gap between the meatloaf and the top of the tin for bubbling and glaze.
For the meatloaf:
half kilo of beef mince
half kilo pork mince (very important to have at least 2 meats)
2 large onions, chopped and pulsed a couple times in the food processor
pulse with a handful of fresh flat-leaf parsley
carrot pulp from juicing a few carrots OR a couple carrots chopped and pulsed to a pulp in the FP.
A cup or so of frozen or tinned sweetcorn
A cup or so of beef stock, I add a swig or two of Lea and Perrins too (be careful not to add too much liquid if you've reduced the meat to fit a smaller pan)
1 egg
about a cup of some thick cream, sour cream or condensed milk (I use sour cream)
2 tsp curry powder
1 tsp ground cumin
salt to taste
ground pepper to taste
Add all these ingredients to a big metal bowl and mix thoroughly.
Pack into the buttered meatloaf tin.
The Glaze/Sauce
1 cup of ketchup
1 cup of bbq sauce
2 tblsp red wine vinegar
couple swigs of Lea and Perrins
half a cup of brown sugar
Add to a saucepan and bring to boil, immediately turn down the heat and simmer for a minute or so. Pour enough of the glaze over the meatloaf saving some (maybe a third or half) and shove the meatloaf in an oven at about 425f for an hour.
I put mine on a baking tray as you get some bubbling and spitting.
When it's ready lift out the meatloaf onto a serving plate. You should have a greasy gravy left in the pan - this is optional but I add this to the remaining glaze and reduce it down to make a sauce/gravy that I pour over the plated meatloaf and mash.
Meatloaf will often fall apart - to get a good slicing loaf you need to ensure you pack it in well when filling the pan. If you are worried about this too much - add another egg and some bread crumbs to the mix.
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