Ok, so it's not the most original of plots but anyone english who is about my age remembers the 'Tomorrow People' - and always wished they could 'jaunt' - well this is the updated version of that with some exceptional FX and Samuel Jackson thrown in for good measure.
I saw this on opening day as my kids were still here and wanted to see it so it wasn't a $4 movie this time but it was actually worth it. The plot was, as is always the case nowadays, predictable but it was the overall movie that brought it together. SLJ actually didn't really add anything for me - the stars are def Hayden and Jamie Bell; who I haven't seen in anything since he did that ballet film which everyone loved and I hated, and he was great in this movie - he def has a new slew of doors opening after this movie.
The special FX were top class and the speed of the movie was just right for a 90 minute film.
It was left way open for a sequel or 3 and Diane Lane as the Mum/Jumper hunter is an obvious way forward. A bit de-ja-vu withe the 'Luke, I am your Father' story line from Star Wars but hey....... only so many plots to go round.
Anyway - see the trailer here.
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