It's been a while and I know it's very bad blogging etiquette to not 'do one' for so very long but I have a load of very lame excuses that, when all added together, make for a half decent one.
I've had stuff to do, I've been answering questions on LinkedIN (in the answers forum there) and that takes up some time, I've read several Stephen King books - I had only previous read 'The Stand' which was a great book and a decent TV adaptation too, so I've read about 5 of his back catalogue which I'm enjoying - currently a 1/4 of the way through 'Needful Things'. What else? Well I am the 2007 Snowspiel champion - along with my very able team members, who, if I'm honest carried me all the way!
But these are all secondary to the main reason..... I have been catching up with THE best TV show on TV by borrowing DVD's from a friend's daughter. I first saw '24' about a year ago when I fell ill over a long weekend in January 2006 and decided to watch the first series of '24' after owning it for over 2 years; waiting for 'that' opportunity to watch 18 hours of solid TV (remember that there may be 24 episodes but they are only 45 minutes long when your have the non-ad injected DVD). Since then I've not had any time to either acquire the seasons that have passed nor watch them.....until now.
I recently (last week) finished series 5 and since then I've been catching up with the current series (6) by watching on the internet - (all of tv) was my main 'friend' although some 'uploads were pretty poor quality and often I had to abort watching due to the appalling download.
Today - I saw my first 24 on real TV today after PVRing the 17th episode from the current series last night. I'm officially caught up!
LOST is great, DEXTER was good too and HOUSE is clever and pretty good too but 24 beats them all hands down - kudos to the makers, writers and all the cast! I'm a total 24 addict and I don't mind admitting it.
But, dear reader, maybe I'll have more time for YOU now!
[socket from division closed]
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